Robert the Telepathic Gila Monster is going to Bhutan
"You never know what will happen next" is actually true these days. For instance, I didn't know that Robert the Telepathic Gila Monster, who keeps me grounded in my self-imposed exile, would, late last night, claw at my door as agitated as I've ever seen him, though in an oddly optimistic way, his thoughts intruding: "Harry, wake up! Doug's going to Bhutan!" he buzzed through the airways (he was referring to my altered-ego Doug, author of Lasken's Log at Sitting in the confines of my living room, Robert relaxed and explained:
Robert: D.L. and his wife are going to Bhutan, leaving Thanksgiving day!
Me: That's nice.
Robert: Do you even know where Bhutan is?
[With no mention to Robert, I had purchased and was wearing the new AI glasses that listen to your conversation, anticipate a crises when you should know something but don't, then project the missing information onto the lenses. This was my first attempted application.]
Me: Yes, historically and politically Bhutan is a distant world (except for current tourism), walled off by the Himalayas which tower 4,000 feet above the already 10,000 foot elevated valley floors, then surrounded by China, Tibet, India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Southeast Asia and the rest of the world.
Robert: What else, besides what your new AI glasses tell your disabled human mind?
Me: What do you mean? What else what?
Robert: What else is special about Bhutan?
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