I'm writing in response to my altered-ego's post on Lasken's Log titled "A prediction about the start of World War III" (https://laskenlog.blogspot.com/), where D.L. seeks to prove the existence of machinations designed to ensure that we walk into World War III with our eyes open, thinking we are awake though we are deep in a pre-scripted dream. As I gape at Doug's stamina in constructing his proofs, I can't help sitting on my rocker on the front porch of my desert abode, looking out over the baked Mojave and wondering if I should be sorry that long ago I stopped trying to prove things. Now when I argue with my frequent companion Robert the Telepathic Gila Monster, he will barrel down on me for the slightest variance from his opinion, yet if he opposes mine, I just stop trying, frustrating him no end.
What is all this about "proving" things? It's not like we ever really prove anything. What if standard humans were telepathic and evolved to share ideas, to have them together at the same time, and to change our minds about those ideas together? I bet there would be no less certainty about reality than if aggressive humanoids invaded and started proving things.
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